Maqui Berry
Berries are often a popular food for those trying to lose weight and be healthy. The berry family which includes the blueberry, raspberry, strawberry and blackberry has been enriched with a new member: the maqui berry. Very much like the blueberry, these fruits are originally from Chile, Patagonia, a region free of pollution, with a rich volcanic soil.

What is the Maqui Berry
Maqui berry, or Aristotelia Chilensis, grows throughout the pristine Patagonian mountain region of southern Chile. This fruit was considered a sacred plant symbolizing goodwill by Mapuche communities.
The dominant antioxidant of these fruits is anthocyanins. Fresh maqui berry contains 138 milligrams of antocyanins per 100 grams, and dried maqui berries contain more: 212 milligrams per 100 grams.
How to Use Maqui Berry Powder
Beside its abundance of healthy benefits, maqui berry powder has a wonderful taste so that it can be added in a variety of foods and beverages. It has an intense fruit flavor, so a small quantity is enough to benefits from its qualities and amazing good taste.
The typical recommended dosage is a tablespoon of maqui powder which can be added to smoothies, yogurt, and any other recipes of your choice.
Maqui Berry Benefits
Promote cardiovascular health
Cholesterol is the number one enemy of cardiovascular problems, as heart attack, stroke, and hardening of arteries. Maqui berry antioxidants prevent these health issues by controlling the level f cholesterol in the blood.
Exert anti-diabetic effects
Anthocyanins from maqui berry increase insulin-mediated and non-insulin mediated glucose uptake in insulin-sensitive muscle cells.
Antiviral effects
A study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research, says that maqui berry extract had positive activity against HSV-2, the herpes simplex virus type 2, also known as genital herpes. These studies were made in vitro. For the moment, it is not known if it has an anti-viral effect on humans.
Promotes losing weight
Studies showed that maqui berry powder has thermogenic qualities which can work with metabolism to stimulate weight loss. Due to the high amount of fibers, will satisfy your appetite and prevent constipation. More, it suppress blood glucose which can help in weight management
Excellent for skin beauty and eyes
Maqui extract it’s a natural sunscreen. More, it counteracts skin aging. A study made on dry eyes shows that after 30 days of treatment the fluid volume increased significantly. The improvement persisted with a dosage of 60 mg per day.
Additional Maqui Benefits
- High content of antioxidants
- Treats kidney related problems
- Reduce inflammation and promote detox
- Encourages stamina and clear thinking
- Increase natural energy levels
- Great source of fiber
- Excellent for healthy bones and joints
Where to Buy Maqui Berry Powder
When buying superfood berry powders, be sure you are getting pure ingredients. You don’t want to buy berry powders with added sugars or sweeteners.
Maqui Berry Side Effects
The only side effect that has been reported is the possibility of allergies. For those who are allergic to berries, be aware you may also have maqui berry allergies too and should not eat them or use maqui berry powder.
It’s always best to consult a nutritionist before taking these supplements, particularly if you are a pregnant woman, child or taking other medications.
Maqui Berry FAQ
What does maqui berry taste like?
Maqui berries are tart and taste similar to cherries or blackberries.
Is maqui berry good for dry eyes?
Maqui berry might help decrease dry eyes since it has antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and improve production of tears.